

【留学生インタビュー】~Youは何しに神大へ~ vol.5(アイルランドからの留学生)


今回お話を伺ったのは経済学部の留学生としてアイルランドから来たCarol Kavanagh(キャロル・カバナー)さん。2016年後期から約1年間、神戸大学のキャンパスで過ごしました。
I interviewed Carol Kavanagh, an Irish international student studying at the Faculty of Economics. From October 2016 she spent nearly one year at Kobe University.

I present this article in both Japanese and English. She told me a lot of things including her campus life in Kobe, her home university [Dublin City University] and her impression of Kobe University and Japan.


――—Why did you select Kobe University for your study?

I selected Kobe University because it has a well-known Economics Faculty. Also my major is international business which entails studying such as economics, finance or management.

――—What was it that made you interested in Japan?

I started off doing German when I was in high school, but I didn't really like it. So, because a third language is necessary to enter third level education, I decided to take up Japanese. It's completely different, it's against the norm so it was intriguing to me. Even though Japanese is difficult, I want to become proficient in Japanese.

――—In Japan, how do you spend your campus life?

In Kobe, everyday I take Japanese class or economics class and I usually spend my campus life hanging out in the international center. Before I go home, I usually go to shirucafe. Here I often meet many friends. Everyone in Kobe is very friendly and all the exchange students are in the same boat even though we all have different origins, cultures and values.

――—Could you tell me your home university?

My university is Dublin City University, often shortened to DCU and it is based in northern Dublin. My university is not the biggest in Dublin, so it’s easy to get around, you have the chance to get to know everyone. Campus life is very exciting, there is always some shows or festivals on. If you come to my university, I think you will be surprised. It’s really lively and interesting. DCU is well known for their high level of Japanese classes that are offered. So actually every year we have a large amount of Japanese exchange student. There is a huge Japanese community in DCU, and we even have our own Japanese circle called Jsoc. Jsoc hosts events twice a week. DCU is really a good place to study Japanese because it gives you a chance to meet Japanese people who want to study English and students who are studying Japanese. So it’s easy to do language exchange.

――—What is something different between Japan and Ireland?

It is completely opposite. Japan is obviously so far away from Ireland, however like Japan, Ireland has its own strong culture and tradition. So in that aspect, Ireland and Japan are similar. Just a few of the main aspects of Irish culture is Irish traditional folk music and Irish traditional sports. In Japan, they have their own sports like sumo or judo, but Ireland also have traditional sports such as Gaelic Football and Hurling. People enjoy both to play and to watch. It’s so famous that each village has its own team. Another complete difference is the language. Actually Gaelic is the national language, and English is the second national language. English is the second official language, but most people’s mother language is English so it’s the completely different.

――—Do you have any favorite points in Kobe University and Japan?

In Kobe University, I found everyone very helpful. If I have a problem with my course, they handled it with kindness and effectiveness. Everyone is willing to talk to us. Obviously I recommend the location of Kobe University as it is very gorgeous. I think the Economics Faculty is very pretty even though there is quiet a steep hill on the way to the campus. And in Japan, everything is very peaceful. It’s so safe, you never feel like [you are in] danger.

――—What do you plan to do in the future?

At this moment, I’m not sure but I am interested in doing a master degree in Japan after graduating my university. So I will come back to Japan, because I want to improve my Japanese and so on. And after that, I actually want to work in a company that handles international trade between Asia and Europe.

――—Messages for students who are interested in studying abroad

If you dither over whether you go to study abroad or not, I recommend to do it because it has been one of the most rewarding years of my life so far. You have a chance to meet a lot of people and make long-time friends. When you live somewhere that is so far away from your home town, sometimes you have to take risks, but these experiences will be so beneficial and make you a more confident person. You also get to improve your academic and professional skill while studying abroad. Doing so, open up many doors in which you want to explore.



経済学部3年 杉岡 祐依

It was very interesting to hear from her how international students spend their campus lives in Kobe and what kind of impression she has of Japan and Kobe University. I strongly felt that her experience of studying abroad was very fulfilling and beneficial for her.